Vastly known as one of the famous anime on Cartoon Network's Toonami, New Mobile Report Gundam Wing, or Mobile Suit Gundam Wing is an iconic series, licensed by Bandai Entertainment (now Bandai Visuals), a subsidiary of Namco Bandai, who are responsible for the games related to the Gundam franchise. Gundam Wing seeked its fans with much applause, despite criticism and harsh remarks pertaining to one of the story's characters.
Gundam Wing centers on the After Colony year 0195, a time where the nations of Earth unified to create the United Earth Sphere Alliance, or UESA. Among this time, citizens have began to live in space colonies. The UESA had become oppressors of those living in space (akin to the EFSF Titans of Gundam Z/Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam), claiming to do so in the name of peace and freedom. Things take a turn for the worst, and to UESA's benefit, when the colonial pacifist leader, Heero Yuy, is assassinated, leaving the colonies in disarray and easily overwhelmed. To counter UESA and subsidiary: Organization of the Zodiac, or OZ, 5 scientists turn rogue after completing the mobile suit Tallgeese, all with ambitions to crush OZ, which came to a movement called Operation Meteor. Within this operation, 5 Gundams are created, and 5 young, but skillfully fearsome pilots boarded them with the mission of eradicating OZ.
Among such pilots was one in particular: a pilot who bore the codename Heero Yuy, after the pacifist. All 5 pilots started by different locations and missions, but their objective to rid OZ from the Earth Sphere Alliance was the same, and this is shown when all 5 come together later. Before they do, a chance encounter happens between a fallen Heero and Relena Darlain, the daughter of Earth's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs. However, after the Vice Minister is assassinated, her true identity is revealed. This is also connected to OZ's ace pilot, Zechs Merquise, who appears as antagonist and rival to Heero, and right-hand man to Treze Khushrenada, leader of OZ's Special Unit.
Gundam Wing was heavily popularized as in the first Gundam anime, even before the original Gundam series, to be shown on Toonami's block. As such, toys were merchandised, and the mechas themselves were featured in various mecha games, more pertaining to Gundam series titles like Gundam Battle Assault series and Dynasty Warriors Gundam series. In 1997, a follow-up OVA series called Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz was made to succeed the plot to the series and close the After Colony Era. A movie version was later made the following year, adding additional footage and different themes. Endless Waltz featured different schemes of the Mobile Suits, the more drastic of changes being Wing Zero's.
Gundam Wing is hands down an icon to the anime televised, and boasts a 7.5 of 10. It's a personal fave of mine as well, but as far as US goes, I think this is the oldest known Gundam series to see airtime.
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