This title is an old anime by the English name Hell Teacher Nube (Jigoku Sensei Nube for those who don't know.) I'll start off by saying that I must be a sucker for anime dealing with unusual teachers. Ah, well, back to the main topic of this post. Hell Teacher Nube deals with a teacher for an elementary school, who has a few interesting things about him. First, while he takes his teaching job seriously, this is shared by his devotion as an exorcist for the supernatural. Second, he has a demon hand usually sealed by a glove, and won't hesitate to use it to banish those that brings harm to his students.
That said, he also has a comical side to him, such as when he tries to impress his crush, who is also another teacher. Even more so when an old acquaintance appears, things get a tad sillier. He also has a rival, who is a Kitsune (fox demon). I'd tell you more, but then I'd be better off telling you the entire series, which is no fun for me (j/k)
Still, this gets a 6.5 on my Wolf scale. Not the greatest I have seen to date, but it had me in for laughs, despite being quite old. This is the type of anime I'll watch to lighten my mood from a bad day. Check it out if you wish, but I suggest actually finding the DVD, or VHS (if anyone still uses them.) The streaming episodes on the web are slightly unaligned (which kinda ruins the fun sometimes...)
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